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CleanSmart HOCL Cooling Tower Maintenance

Cooling Tower Cleaning and Maintenance

HCOL Cooling Tower Maintenance

CleanSmart HOCL is a non-toxic, non-hazardous disinfectant is a much safer alternative to other organic based biocides. Research conducted by Betz laboratories and published in the Handbook of Industrial Water Conditioning shows that the best disinfectant for cooling towers is hypochlorous acid. With many studies concluding that HOCl is more than 100 time more effective than sodium hypochlorite. As concluded in the Hypochlorous acid in pilot and industrial cooling towers study, HOCl can help reduce industry costs and energy consumption. CleanSmart HOCl is a safe and effective alternative to other industrial disinfectants.

Open cooling tower systems are the most widely used heat transfer method for wastewater facilities. In warm conditions (between 68 degrees Fahrenheit and 122 degrees Fahrenheit), bacteria and algae will flourish in uncleaned water allowing for microbial growth. Microbial growth causes numerous problems for your system including premature corrosion, erosion, blockage of pipes, and the formation of thermal barriers. These undesirable buildups are harmful to the efficiency of the cooling tower system and lead to increased maintenance costs.

The United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recommends cleaning your cooling tower at least twice a year with disinfectants such as CleanSmart HOCl (Hypochlorous Acid) in order to prevent the microbial growth and prevent the buildup of potentially dangerous biofilms. 

Cleaning your system regularly will require less frequent treatments to keep the water clean. Left untreated, water lost from the system through evaporation will leave behind solids derived from the mineral buildup in the system. Over time, these solids will increase in volume and sink to the interior surfaces of the cooling towers and system, creating scale and corrosion which decreases the efficiency of the cooling system. Skipping regular cleanings will not save you money, but it will end up costing more in repairing damage to the system, inefficient operation, and getting more water treatments.